The Internet superhighway can be particularly cruel to ecommerce marketers, what with more than 50% of all shopping carts abandoned prior to purchase according to Marketing Experiments. It's no accident that the most successful ecommerce companies take a strategic, calculated approach to their product pages and shopping cart usability. Simple, oft-overlooked tweaks can yield dramatic results.
Consider a product page’s load time, for example. Amazon calculated that one additional second of load time on their product pages would cost them $1.6 billion in annual sales. Yikes.
From the add to cart button to recommendation engines and product images, ecommerce marketers have plenty of opportunities to optimize shopping cart conversion rates. Here are crucial changes you should make to your website to prevent shopping cart abandonment and enjoy better conversion rates.
1) Show Visitors Exactly Where They are ... and Where They can GoClear site navigation is not only crucial for search engine optimization -- users who land on a product page need to know exactly where they are within the site architecture. Make it easy for them to browse other categories with breadcrumbs on every page. If you're not familiar with the term, breadcrumbs refers to a component of your site navigation that lets users see where they are and where they have been. Let's take a look at Zappos for an example:
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